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Loreto Junior Primary Crumlin, Loreto College, Crumlin, Dublin

We have got that Summer Feeling!

27th May 2024
We have been getting up to lots of fun in Room 7!

Last week, we explored the theme of Minibeasts. We created our own minibeast hotel and even collaborated on an art piece based on a field of Minibeasts!

We went outside for a Minibeast hunt, and the children were delighted when they found a red and brown butterfly.

In PE last week we were working on our teamwork skills. We went outside and used hoola hoops in pairs to help us cross the field. It was lots of fun. 

One of our aistear activities last week was making a sun art piece which is now displayed outside our classroom. We also created some ice pops for our classroom door. 

We hope you enjoy hearing about what we got up to for the last few weeks.

Bring on summer!